Our congregation, Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, was founded in 1982 to serve the Jewish population in the Sun City Center, Florida area. We are a member of the Union for Reform Judaism .

Our approach combines an openness to new forms of religious expression with a strengthening of ties to traditional forms. In our worship, we use Hebrew and English as well as singing to encourage the full participation of the congregation. We celebrate holidays and festivals, including Shabbat Services every Friday evening. Our service schedule includes many opportunities to deepen spiritual connections to God and to community. We have a Rabbi twice a month and a Cantorial Solist twice a month to lead our services. During the summer months services are conducted by our congregants.

Adult Jewish education is our goal. This includes “Learn to Read Hebrew” classes, Torah study and discussion groups. The members of the Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center bring to our congregation a wide variety of Jewish traditions and experiences with a goal of making everyone welcome as we draw upon the diversity of our backgrounds to enrich the Jewishness of all.