Men’s Club

The Men’s Club of Beth Israel

The Men’s Club is an arm of Beth Israel. The purpose of this organization is to strengthen Jewish consciousness by cultivating social interaction, encouraging social services, offering religious education, supp

Sorting activities that benefit the Congregation and promoting closer fellowship among its members. We welcome Jewish men in the congregation and community at large.

Men’s Club men support the Beth Israel congregation and each other with a variety of spiritual, educational, and social activities:

     * Scheduled monthly meetings and events (Click here for Calendar)

     * Sponsorship of an annual Men’s Club Shabbat service

     * Contributions to Beth Israel operational expenses

     * Hands-on help and funds to augment special temple projects


Annual dues are $18 (Chai).




Stephen Tabin, President

          Les Zwain,  Executive VP

Ed Blecher, VP Membership

Steve Blesofsky, VP Programming

Steve Morris, VP At-Large

Paul Grossman, Secretary

August 2024

Greetings to members of the Men’s Club, our Sisterhood, and all of the members of our Beth Israel family.

It is nice to be able to write to all of you again. It has been an interesting few months for me, with stays in South Shore Hospital, Rehab, and also Thomas Jefferson University’s hospital ER in Philadelphia. I’m feeling
great now, and I am looking forward to surgery at Tampa General Hospital in early August. I hope you are all staying happy and healthy!

In early August, the Men’s Club will be sending out invitations to all of the men of our congregation asking you to join or rejoin the Men’s Club for the 2024-2025 year. Dues will not change—only $18 to become a member and enjoy a free paid-up fabulous luncheon plus meeting old and new friends at our monthly luncheons with great
speakers. If you cannot wait, you can join now—please read the 2024-2025 Men’s Club Membership letter on page 8 of this month’s Shalom News. Look for your Men’s Club invitation this summer!

The Men’s Club has finalized our calendar for the 2024-2025 year. In the future, we will be asking for volunteers
to usher during the High Holy Days, help us build and take apart our sukkah, help us elect new and old members to become members of our own Board of Directors (YOU, too, could become more involved by RUNNING for our Board). Meetings are only once a month. Join us in celebrating Hanukkah with the Sisterhood, and take occasional trips outside of our Temple. We hope you will join us for the 2024-2025 year.

Hope you and your family have a great summer! Keep cool!


Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,
