The Men’s Club of Beth Israel
The Men’s Club is an arm of Beth Israel. The purpose of this organization is to strengthen Jewish consciousness by cultivating social interaction, encouraging social services, offering religious education, supp
Sorting activities that benefit the Congregation and promoting closer fellowship among its members. We welcome Jewish men in the congregation and community at large.
Men’s Club men support the Beth Israel congregation and each other with a variety of spiritual, educational, and social activities:
* Scheduled monthly meetings and events (Click here for Calendar)
* Sponsorship of an annual Men’s Club Shabbat service
* Contributions to Beth Israel operational expenses
* Hands-on help and funds to augment special temple projects
Annual dues are $18 (Chai).
Stephen Tabin, President
Les Zwain, Executive VP
Ed Blecher, VP Membership
Steve Blesofsky, VP Programming
Steve Morris, VP At-Large
Paul Grossman, Secretary
September 2024
Greetings to members of the Men’s Club, our Sisterhood, and all of the members of our Beth Israel family.
In August, the Men’s Club attended and made a presentation to prospective and recent new members of the congregation, informing those attending of the benefits and work of the Men’s Club, and inviting the men attending to join/rejoin our Men’s Club.
In a few weeks, flyers will be going out via email asking for volunteers to serve as ushers during the High Holy Days in October. Any and all members of the Men’s Club, our Sisterhood, as well as the congregation, may volunteer. Volunteers will be provided with the assigned date(s) and time(s) to report, usher badges, and instructions (if needed).
Our Men’s Club has opened up its 2024-2025 membership drive to the men of the congregation. For only a small contribution, you will be able to enjoy the friendship of fellow members in a social setting (always with food!) once a month, enjoy a paid-up free luncheon, hear
superb speakers, and actively be part of our great organization. Mail your $18 check payable to the “Beth Israel Men’s Club” with your name, address, phone number and email, and send it to:
Paul Grossman
2210 Sifield Greens Way
Sun City Center, FL 33573
Save these dates on your calendar/cell phone: The Men’s Club will be building our Sukkah at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15th. On Tuesday, October 29th at 10:00 a.m., we plan to dismantle it. In the near future, we will ask for volunteers (via email) to help us in this process. It will be built on the exit lane of Beth Israel. We will take anyone (that means YOU!) with or without experience (women and men) to join our Men’s Club and be part of a mitzvah and a great experience.
As the High Holy Days approach, we wish all of our Men’s Club members, Sisterhood, and members of our congregation a Happy and Healthy New year and an easy fast for those we who do.
L’Shanah Tova to all!
Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,