Welcome to Our Temple
Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, is a lively and energetic community of 285 Congregants and friends, all of whom are committed to maintaining an active Jewish presence in the South County region of Hillsborough County, Florida. We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
The synagogue has its beginnings in a group that started holding Friday night services back in 1975. Incorporated in 1986, Beth Israel constructed its own building at 1115 East Del Webb Blvd in 1988, adding our Social Hall to it in 2002. We hold weekly Erev Shabbat (evening) services on Fridays at 7:30 pm, plus special services for Festivals and other holidays.
Our worship style is egalitarian, with a lot of singing. Our Congregants come from Jewish as well as non-Jewish backgrounds ranging from non-observant to Orthodox. Our practices combine traditional as well as non-traditional observances with contemporary liturgies and music. We use the current prayer books of the Reform movement exclusively.
We also offer classes with varied content periodically. Torah readings are scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Erev Shabbatot. Birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated on the 1st Erev Shabbat and our monthly Congregational Meet and Greet for Congregants and friends occurs before the 3rd Erev Shabbat Service starts. When there is a 5th Shabbat in a month, we try to have a Shabbat dinner before services.
Tikkun Olam, translated as “Repair of the world,” is exemplified by our Social Action efforts in our greater community. Each January, we supports our local Meals On Wheels by picking up and delivering meals to the homebound. Our Caring Committee reaches out to our Congregants on the Mi Shebeirach list to check in on them and on their health. We do food and/or cash collections for our local food banks and those in need due to emergencies, both near and far. We actively participate in the Interfaith Council, whose charity efforts are supported by the “Nearly New Shop,” where we also volunteer. We reach out to other religious institutions and houses of worship to promote interfaith understanding and co-operation.
Our building houses a busy community, with worship services, classes, and programs of all sorts, sponsored by our Sisterhood, Men’s Club, the Program Committee and our Jewish Library.
Most of our members have come here from somewhere else, so we all know what it is like to be new in an area. We work diligently to welcome newcomers and help them to feel at home, both in the community and in our Congregation.
We will celebrate out 50th Anniversary in 2025; please join us for our golden year!
Come and meet us!