
Shalom and Welcome!!

Beth Israel Sisterhood, an arm of Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, welcomes Jewish women in the congregation and community at large.

Sisterhood’s purpose is to strengthen Jewish consciousness by cultivating social interaction, encouraging social services, offering religious education, supporting activities that benefit the Congregation and promoting closer fellowship among its members.

Why Join us?

Sisterhood welcomes your wisdom, your friendship, and your love for Judaism. Use your time with Sisterhood to delight in your Jewish heritage, connect with women you already know and make new friends. Annual dues $18.00 for members of Beth Israel, $54.00 for non-members.

Sisterhood Activities.

Sisterhood women support the Beth Israel Congregation and each other with a variety of spiritual, education and social activities:

      Ø Scheduled monthly meetings and events

(Click here for Calendar)

     Ø Coordination of weekly Oneg Shabbat after Friday evening services

     Ø Sponsorship of annual Sisterhood Shabbat services

     Ø Operation of the Judaica Shop located in the Synagogue lobby

     Ø Contributions to Beth Israel operational expenses

     Ø Hand-on help and fund to augment special Temple projects

     Ø Bimah flowers for holidays

Ø Oversee Beth Israel’s library (Click here for Library)


Sisterhood Board of Directors 2023-2024

                             President Donna Weiner

V.P. Membership Ellen Block

V.P. Programming Helene Bassin, Sondra Thorson

Recording Secretary  Debbie Boyarsky

Corresponding Secretary Carol Katz

Treasurer Michelle Rittberg

Past President  Barbara Grossman

Library Barbara Nova

Publicity Lisa Rubin-Horton

Onegs Lyn Safian

Past President Rochelle Lafer

Judaica Shop Joy Rosen, Addie Unterlack

Current News       

Donna Weiner President

September 2024

Hello, all,

By now, you should have received your Sisterhood renewal letter, form, and calendar of events for the 2024-2025 Sisterhood season. If you have not, and
you were a Sisterhood member last year, please send a check for $18 to Michele Rittberg, 4910 Grand Banks Drive, Wimauma, FL 33598. I will send you a calendar of events.

And just like that, we are heading into a new season of Sisterhood programming! Sisterhood Programming Co-Directors Helene Bassin and Sondra Thorson have arranged for extremely interesting and informative programs this season.

Our first program will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 1:00 p.m. in our Social Hall. This program features Jaycee Johnson, PhD, who will discuss Chair Yoga for Senior Women and lead us in Chair Yoga basics. “Oy,” I have heard Sisterhood members cry, “I can’t do those things anymore!” My response—”You don’t have to.” If Chair Yoga is too physical for you, you can simply observe while the rest of us attempt it. Why should you miss out on a lovely afternoon noshing and shmoozing with your Sisterhood friends (after all, this is why the organization is named “Sisterhood”). Past President Barbara Grossman has reassured me that Chair Yoga is gentle on the body, but it provides exercise that most of us could use. You might give it a try, find it too strenuous, and merely stop. This is not physical education from the 1950s and 1960s where we had to wear those one piece blue or green gym suits with elastic around the legs and your name embroidered on the front. It’s all up to your comfort level. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Co-chairs for this event are Barbara Grossman and
Wendy Jennings. See page 15 in this issue the Shalom News for more information.

We’ll see you on September 10th! Stay tuned…

Stay tuned,

