Contributions to any of the Temple Beth Israel Funds are welcomed and appreciated. Contributing to Temple Funds is a meaningful way to show appreciation or to mark a significant event. It is vital to insure the continuity, growth and vitality of this Congregation. L’Dor V’Dor
Endowed Funds – not available at this time.
New member dues
Membership Renewal
High Holy Day Appeal
This is the list of the funds which were set up to help ensure that your donations are used in the area of your choice. When making contributions to Beth Israel, the Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, whether it be for a yahrzeit, a mitzvah, or for any other reason, please specify the fund (or funds) to which you would like your donation directed. Undesignated donations will go to the general operating fund.
General Operating Fund for a wide variety of operating needs
Maintenance and Improvement Fund for ongoing temple maintenance and improvements
Furman/Lee Family Memorial/Rabbi Fund for the generation of income to defray Rabbi’s expenses
Rabbi’s Dedicated Fund
Hardship Fund to quietly help individuals in need of assistance
Cantor Fund for the generation of income to defray the cantor’s expenses
Jane Fishman Kitchen Fund for kitchen improvements
President’s Discretionary Fund for assistance of community and individual needs
Arthur & Selma Pellegrino Stained Glass Window Fund for the addition of stained glass windows to the Henry Gibson social hall
Chaplain Education Fund for providing educational opportunities
Scholar-in-Residence Fund to bring visiting scholars to the Temple as an educational benefit to the membership.
Caring Committee Shiva Fund
Micki Groper Music Fund for music, musical programs and related items
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund allows the Rabbi to provide congregational and individual assistance and benefit the community
Yahrzeit – Made in memory of loved ones on the anniversaries of their death.
Memorial plaques A beautiful bronze plaque in the sanctuary commemorates the passing of a loved one and provides annual yahrzeit notices and perpetual reading of the name each year. Cost to member ($275.00) cost to non-member ($325.00)
Bricks at meditation garden ($100.00) Buy a brick in honor or memory of a loved one.
Tree of life mark a simcha – the birth of a child, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, an anniversary, or any special event
leaf ($100.00)
plaque ($275.00)
Prayer books ($36.00) To sponsor endowment of a prayer book for use in the Sanctuary.
Chair plaques: ($75.00) To dedicate a seat with your own family name, in honor of a relative or friend, in memory of a loved one who has passed away, or whatever is your inspiration.
There are two ways to make your dues payments or donations.
By mail: Print out the dues payment form to be filled out and mailed click here.
Print out the new member form to be filled out and mailed click here.
Print out the donation form to be filled out and mailed please click here.
Online – To make the dues payment on line please click here.
To make a donation on line please click here.