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Lag B’Omer | 18 Iyar | Sunday, May 22, 2011 |
Shavuot | Erev, 5 Sivan | Tuesday, June 7, 2011 |
6 Sivan – 7 Sivan |
Wednesday, June 8 – 9, 2011 |
Tisha B’Av | Erev, 8 Av | Monday, August 8, 2011 |
9 Av | August 9, 2011 |
The congregation’s mission is to create a home for every soul by offering a variety of Jewish experiences to nourish the mind, heart and spirit while being a caring Jewish community.
High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, prayer, and re-connection. We welcome you to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days. We offer a variety of services to meet the spiritual needs of our diverse community. Please see the Schedule of Services for a list of dates, times, and locations of services.
Come share the spirit and wisdom of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These Holy Days are a time of prayer, music, reflection and learning. Come and join our congregational family for a spiritually deep High Holy Day experience.
Members of the congregation will automatically receive their High Holy Day tickets for each adult member of your household and dependent children over the age of 18 (Children 17 years old and under do not require a ticket). Members are also welcomed to purchase additional tickets for other relatives and guests at a discount rate.
If you are not a member of the congregation and not yet ready to make that committment, we are pleased to offer two different ways to join us. First, purchase High Holy Day tickets and if you decide to join the congregation shortly after the holidays have ended, we will apply the ticket costs toward your membership dues! Please contact our Membership Director for details. Or join us for our complimentary alternative Kol Nidre service.
We look forward to sharing a wonderful High Holy Days together!
Not only will we be able to fulfill the important mitzvah of helping others recite the Mourners Kaddish,
it is a wonderful way to open our hearts and minds allowing God’s presence into our lives.
Morning Minyan | Monday – Friday 7:30 am |
Sundays 9:00 am |
Minchah Service | every Friday | 6:00 PM |
Kabbalat Shabbat Service | every Friday | 6:15 PM |
Kabbalat Cafe: Musical Shabbat Service |
1st Friday of the month (through May) |
7:00 PM |
Tot Shabbat (up to age 6) | 2nd Friday of the month | 6:00-6:30 PM |
Pajama Shabbat | 3rd Friday of the month | 6:30 PM |
Chai Vibes (21-36 yrs. old) |
June 17th |
8:00 PM |
Summer Shabbat Services |
Friday, June 10th, July 8th, August 12th, and Sept. 9th | 6:15 PM |
Shabbat Morning Service | every Saturday | 9:30 am |
Kids Congregation (Grades K-4) |
every Saturday (October – May) |
10:30 am |
Junior Congregation (Grades 5 & up) |
every Saturday (October – May) |
10:30 am |
After months of planning and design, this week we finally unveiled the new BRS website – We are very proud of its great features including a FAQ section for people who live here, those looking to move and those visiting. We have videos, podcasts, a blog, photo galleries, and much more. We have also included a member login where you can see your statements, pay your invoices, make donations and look someone up on the membership directory. We look forward to hearing your feedback and your help in spreading the word about this great new tool to reach people and spread the BRS mission. Look soon for the BRS app for apple and android. A tremendous thank you is due to Kerry Purcell in our office who put in countless hours, great creativity and hard work to make this new website a reality.
As we put the finishing touches on the new website this week, we kept reminding one another that it represents the face of the Shul to someone looking into who we are. You only get one opportunity to make a first impression and it is critically important to make a positive one if you want to get a relationship started on the right foot.
What is true for a website and a Shul, is true for how we present ourselves to others as well. Our faces are the homepage of who we are and how we are perceived. No matter what is happening in our hearts or our minds, we leave a strong impression on others based on the disposition carried in our faces. Do we project sadness, despair, worry, uncertainty and doubt? Or are we happy, positive, optimistic and joyful.
Rabbi Yisroel Salanter once said that our faces have the status of reshus ha’rabim, they are public domain and we therefore need to be sensitive to the public when we decide what mood we are going to project. The gemara (Kesubos 111b) says that it is better to smile at someone warmly than to provide him with food and drink. Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe writes that just as plants require sunshine to live, converting the rays of the sun into nutrients, people too convert smiles into energy and strength, and without it they wilt and perish. Smiling is a uniquely human expression. When is the last time you saw a dog or cat smile?
Dr. Nicholas Christakis, a physician at Harvard Medical School, authored a study that concludes that happiness is contagious. The same way when one person yawns, it affects others, when one person smiles or is happy it leads to others happiness and smiling as well.
This poem says it best:
It cost nothing, but creates much.
It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash and the memory of it lasts forever.
None are so rich they can get along without it and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.
It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and nature’s best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away!
If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of yours.
For, nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none to give.