
What is a Chavurah?

A Chavurah provides a vehicle for a small group of congregants to meet on an ongoing basis to learn, study and socialize. At the present time there are three very active Havurahs at Beth Israel. The first has 14 members and has been in existence for several years. The other two are newly formed and have 15 and 16 members respectively. The formation of these latter two groups was driven by requests from new Temple members seeking the availability of a Chavurah. As these two groups work to establish their own programs and identity it appears that a real need of Temple members has been met. A waiting list of 4-5 members has been established.

If you are interested in joining a Chavurah please contact JoanneSudman Membership1@jcscc.org Al Rottberg  Membership2@jcscc.org 

