Men’s Club

The Men’s Club of Beth Israel

The Men’s Club is an arm of Beth Israel. The purpose of this organization is to strengthen Jewish consciousness by cultivating social interaction, encouraging social services, offering religious education, supp

Sorting activities that benefit the Congregation and promoting closer fellowship among its members. We welcome Jewish men in the congregation and community at large.

Men’s Club men support the Beth Israel congregation and each other with a variety of spiritual, educational, and social activities:

     * Scheduled monthly meetings and events (Click here for Calendar)

     * Sponsorship of an annual Men’s Club Shabbat service

     * Contributions to Beth Israel operational expenses

     * Hands-on help and funds to augment special temple projects


Annual dues are $18 (Chai).




Stephen Tabin, President

          Les Zwain,  Executive VP

Ed Blecher, VP Membership

Steve Blesofsky, VP Programming

Steve Morris, VP At-Large

Paul Grossman, Secretary

                                                                              Rick Reingold, Treasurer

                                               Barry Ross, Vice President-At-Large

February 2025

Greetings to members of the Men’s Club, our Sisterhood, and all of the members of our Beth Israel family.

Our latest Bagels & Discovery program welcomed Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Daniel Ruth, after a really nice brunch of bagels (“Make Your Own Bagel Bundle”) — lox, cream cheese, coffee, tea, and orange juice, with sides of whitefish salad, tomatoes, and onions at each table. Guests were encouraged to meet old and new friends at the table of their choosing. Our guest
speaker sparked some disagreement among members of our audience. Fortunately, none of the extra tomatoes which were distributed by the Men’s Club were used in an unfavorable manner.
Daniel Ruth expressed his opinion just as he does in the Tampa Bay Times.

Our last Men’s Club luncheon featured a Customer Service Representative from Tampa Electric (TECO) with different topics and an interesting question and answer period. Ironically, the electricity went out in the Temple (and nearby areas) shortly after the TECO Rep’s talk!

The next Men’s Club luncheon will be held on Wednesday, February 12th. Our guest speaker will be Temple President Ricki Bauman, who will discuss “the Real Estate Market Locally — and How
It Affects YOU!

Our next famous Bagels & Discovery program will be held on Sunday, March 16th. Flyers will be sent out shortly.The local Wells Fargo Financial Group will be hosting our annual “Financial Report and Luncheon” on Wednesday, March 26th. It will again be held in our Social Hall, and all
congregants and their guests are invited.

Watch your inbox for future emails about these programs.

Wishing you a fantastic February!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,
