The Men’s Club of Beth Israel
The Men’s Club is an arm of Beth Israel. The purpose of this organization is to strengthen Jewish consciousness by cultivating social interaction, encouraging social services, offering religious education, supp
Sorting activities that benefit the Congregation and promoting closer fellowship among its members. We welcome Jewish men in the congregation and community at large.
Men’s Club men support the Beth Israel congregation and each other with a variety of spiritual, educational, and social activities:
* Scheduled monthly meetings and events (Click here for Calendar)
* Sponsorship of an annual Men’s Club Shabbat service
* Contributions to Beth Israel operational expenses
* Hands-on help and funds to augment special temple projects
Annual dues are $18 (Chai).
Stephen Tabin, President
Les Zwain, Executive VP
Ed Blecher, VP Membership
Steve Blesofsky, VP Programming
Steve Morris, VP At-Large
Paul Grossman, Secretary
Rick Reingold, Treasurer
Barry Ross, Vice President-At-Large
April 2025
Greetings to members of the Men’s Club, our Sisterhood, and all of the members of our Beth Israel family.
Last month, I discussed the beginning of Spring and all of the positive feelings that concept brings to everyone of us. I ended it with: “I hope you, too, are ready for Spring and all of its positive feelings”.The beginning of a new baseball season brings a big smile to my face, as I have been a baseball fan since the day I was born. Growing up in Philly, I went to a handful of
Phillies games with my mother at Connie Mack Stadium, getting in free with coupons clipped off of “Burrys” cookie packages. I also remember walking back home from baseball practice in South Jersey when I was about 14 years old, and all I heard on the way home were the transistor radios, up and down the street, broadcasting that night’s Phillies’ baseball game. What memories!
Why am I writing about baseball?Baseball is normal. It’s the normal routine.
Baseball is back! Life is not easy these days.
Thank heaven there is baseball. Play ball!
With this comes optimism. Before the baseball season starts, there is Spring Training, and those who last Fall said, “Wait til next year” are forever optimistic that this is, indeed, “the year” for their team. For me, the favorite teams are my Phillies, and now also the Tampa Bay Rays.
“Take me out to the ball game…” I have that positive feeling and optimism, and I hope that you, too, have a really good feeling this April, especially in these crazy times.
On March 16th, our famous Bagels & Discovery program returned with a huge crowd, a great speaker (fellow Men’s Club member, Dr. Arthur Chausmer, on the topic: “Nutrition: Facts and Fiction”) and lots and lots of food, all at a great price of only $12. We continued our “bagel bundle”–tables full of bagels, lox, cream cheese, and whitefish salad, with sides of sliced tomatoes and onions, plus orange juice, coffee, and hot tea.
On March 26th, Men’s Club opened its doors to the entire congregation as we again invited the Wells Fargo Advisors to give us a financial update of our economy. Along with their presentation, they delighted us with a complimentary deli buffet.
On Wednesday, April 23rd, Men’s Club is planning another luncheon for our members. We are working on those plans right now. Come and join us to meet old and new friends, as we enjoy Publix sandwiches. More updates will follow. Save the date.
Enjoy the month of April – and see you at the Ball Park!
Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,