A Message from Our President

Words from our Temple President, Ricki Bauman

February 2025

Beth Israel now has a new Board —and we are moving ahead to the future. On Monday, January 13th, FPAT, an engineering firm, came to Beth Israel to analyze the capital and maintenance
needs of our building for the next 30 years. We had never done this before; it was always a guesstimate as to how much money we needed to contribute to the Building Reserve Fund to be able to keep our building up-to-date and in a state of good repair. We are expecting their report and their plan later this month or in February. When their plan is received, we can stop flying by the seat of our pants and determine our building’s real needs.

Around publication time, we will have our Interim Rabbi Candidate visiting us on Monday and Tuesday, January 27thand 28th. You will be informed of the date and time of the Congregational
events separately. Please — absolutely no guests — these events are for our Congregants only.



